An Invetation

Individuals, Yet Unified in Love

We are grounded in matter and lifted by spirit both. Our intention was to bring a balance of the two into our form. Only then could we fulfill our calling as indwelt creature AND divine creator.

We are connected! Many individuals making up the network that is our unified awareness; earth consciousness. Each expression, an inspiration for the next. As we see what is possible, we expand.

Within the balance of our dual nature we can fully trust our instincts. We must bring our intention to love constantly into the automatic processes that sustain us. Only in love can the eternal energetic vibrations of conscious awareness flow through us, between us.

As within so without

Expand your self awareness beyond the confines of two dimensional verbal thought. Activate the watcher within your consciousness. See what you are thinking as well as thinking it. Stimulate the sensations of eternal love in your physical form. Trust that doing so will bring grace to your actions.

Guru can show you the door but you must walk through it. To follow another’s path, no matter how noble it seems, leads directly to mediocrity. For how can your individual expression ever fully shine through the filters of another.

Install the impulse to love into your inner life with conscious intent. Resist the urge to decide from your fear. Connect with me on the ribbons of sound that issue forth from the center of all creation.

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