How many thoughts does it take to change a light bulb?

Excerpt from The Mechanics of Mindfulness, an upcoming class by Kelly MacInnis

We are creatures of habit. This is by design. As we repeat an experience it becomes automatic. This is why, after a while, we can ride a bike or drive a car without thinking about the steps involved.

This automatic feature or our being is at the foundation of our physiology. It is what keeps us breathing, our blood flowing, and our food digesting. It is why we don’t need to know how we move  a finger or how to grow hair.

Things become automatic in human consciousness too. When we keep thinking something for a while, it starts to fade into the background of our consciousness; still there but not as noticeable. If we continue thinking the thought it becomes completely automatic, we don’t notice it at all. These fully automatic thoughts are beliefs.

When a thought is maintained long enough to become fully automatic, it keeps resonating in our physical being and our consciousness. These beliefs or thought habits become the foundation of who we know ourselves to be. They effect our health, our relationships, our ability to make money, even what we experience in life.

If you have ever tried to change one of these thought habits, you know it can be very tricky. Even identifying our beliefs can be a challenge…..

How many thoughts does it take to change a light bulb? It depends on how many you’ve changed.

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